About Us

WoGEM Uganda is a Community Based Organization (CBO) dedicated in influencing and promoting women and girl’s participation in greener economy to promote social and economic development.

This idea  was brought about   by a group of women who sat down and realized the  challenges that are faced by women, girls such as gender in equality, fears in women that can lead to lack of confidence   in public, lack of respect  for caregivers, lack of women in positions of power, early pregnancy , high levels of domestic violence , sexual abuses  and denial of human rights , lack of access to equal opportunity like for men , gender power imbalances, lack of oversight, lack of awareness about financial assistance, social-cultural barriers, identifying the available resources, exposed to the training programs, lack of awareness about financial assistance, and knowledge about business administration hence  raising forms of  injustices  being  done  to women  in the country

This was out of the will to help and address the challenges both district and local levels so that women can attain their rights and to achieve these challenges, WoGEM will basically base on sustainable Development Goals 1 2 5 8 and 10 7 (SDGs) such as No poverty, zero hunger, Gender equality, Decent work and economic growth, affordable clean energy and lastly Reducing inequality respectively hence focusing on empowerment and promoting fairness of work and mode of life.

Through research and community education, WOMEG brings together vulnerable women and girls from all sectors and equip them with knowledge and capacity to engage in a greener economy movement for community livelihoods, climate change mitigation and resilience.

Our Vision

A resilience economic and sustainable green economy for women empowerment in rural areas.

Our Mission

To promote a green economy environment for women to manage their social and economic development through advocacy.