
Gender Equity

Gender equality is the fundamental to achievement of human rights. it’s also inspiration that benefits the society including women and girls. In Uganda there are many inequalities among gender. Women and girls are highly discriminated and not given equal opportunities as well as men. This has led to the gender-based violence in local community families.

The overall objective of gender equality programme is to reduce gender inequalities among the local communities. This will be done by engaging men   in women’s economic advancement to know their rights in families because working with women alone is not enough.

To achieve this programme, WoGEM Uganda will empower women through community-based savings that will help them save money, access credits, develop financial literacy and invest in income generating activities.   Empowering women will promote skill building, self-esteem. access to information, resource, and community action that position women as confident decision makers and leaders in their homes.

 In its efforts to promote gender equality, WoGEM Uganda has published newspaper articles, advocacy letters, held social media campaigns advocating for gender equality.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris.

Ireen Twongirwe – CEO

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